Wednesday 25 April 2012

Rainbow inspired art and craft

To celebrate our new rainbow wall mural, the kids and I have been spending time reading about rainbows, talking about what makes a rainbow and creating rainbow inspired crafts. See below for what we've been up to.

We made a rainbow coloured letter box so Alex and Jasmine can draw pictures for each other, post them in their letter box and then come back and open them. We used an old cardboard gift box. We painted each side a different colour - blue, red, yellow and purple. I used a sharp knife to cut out a whole in one of the sides, just large enough to fit a folded letter.

Next we stuck some old plastic letters on the box that we had lying around the house. They were magnets once upon a time. We thought letters were very appropriate things to stick on a LETTER box.

We also made rainbow lollipop cookies,  
using our standard, basic cookie dough recipe:

125g unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg
3/4 cup plain flour
3/4 cup self-raising flour

Beat butter, sugar and vanilla with electric mixer. Beat in egg. Add combined sifted flours. Sir until mixture firms a dough.

Separate the mixture into four batches and add food colouring. Then knead the coloured dough and form into small balls. Lay on baking paper on a tray and bake in a moderately slow oven (160c) for about 20 minutes.

The kids always love mixing food colouring. This activity was even better in their view as they could make a mess and eat it too!

We also made a finger print rainbow using food colouring.

We highly recommend the book "A Rainbow of My Own" by Don Freeman. It is full of wonderful things you could make with a rainbow such as a swing or hammock.

Rainbows are so bright and cheerful. You can't help but feel happy looking at one!

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